Home Music Onye Le Bawo by Monica Ogah

Onye Le Bawo by Monica Ogah

Onye Le Bawo by Monica Ogah
Onye Le Bawo by Monica Ogah

Worship minstrel and contemporary songwriter Monica Ogah dishes out a powerful melody which she titled Onye Le Bawo.


Lyrics of Onye Le Bawo by Monica Ogah
Onye le bawo gi la
Ocho Omanchanla
Awo no yi cho
Miaje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Onye le bawo gi la
Ocho Omanchanla
Awo no yi cho
Miaje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Onye le bawo gi la
Ocho Omanchanla
Awo no yi cho
Miaje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Onye le bawo gi la
Ocho Omanchanla
Awo no yi cho
Miaje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Adam Odubo
Awo no yi cho
Miaje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Who is like
Unto thee
Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Who is like
Unto thee
Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

Awo no yi cho
Mi aje tabo
Kwe ebe ebe

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