Talented music minister, songwriter and worshio leader Jonathan C Gambela is here today with a brand new single tune tagged ONCTION.
Anointing Lyrics by Jonathan C. Gambela
As creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God Lord, here is a life willing to receive the anointing necessary for the office To be that lovely carrier of the fire of the Gospel So that God may be manifested in this season and the glory return
to Jesus Christ Alleluia In the assembly of men, thirsty I stand May your anointing come down on me Aware that my destiny is in the palm of your hand May your anointing come down on me On me yeah,
I’m willing, thirsty For your anointing to come down on me yeah, I’m willing, thirsty for your anointing to come down on me on me yeah, I’m willing, thirsty for your anointing to come down on me on me yeah,
I’m willing, thirsty For your anointing to come down on me I’m willing, thirsty For your anointing to come down on me I’m willing,
thirsty May your anointing fall on me On me yeah, I’m willing, thirsty May your anointing come down on me I’m willing, thirsty May your anointing come down on me Father, today more than yesterday the world must know That the God of the Bible did not remain in the Bible But it is alive and well to this day This prayer is mine but also that of all this generation Father, release your anointing on our lives Make us itinerant embassies of heaven on earth Through this tangible but invisible power
Acting in us and through us who are visible To the visible Where the anointing passes the sky takes place And the power that the walls erase The anointing leaves a divine vault Allowing shabby man to borrow the size of God Before Goliath by power The anointing, the diplomatic passport
Which gives way to unlimited entries into the land of the unrealizable The anointing, the corrector who erases the word impossible From the lexicon of the one who experiences it The anointing, the hand of God The anointing, the showcase of Heavens Your anointing come down on me (I’m ready) Your anointing come down on me (Your anointing come down on me) Your anointing come down
About Song
Premiered Aug 10, 2020 Here is the clip “UNCTION”, from the prophet Jonathan Christopher Gambela. May you make this song your prayer! Author / Composer: Jonathan C. Gambela Director: Elisa H. Gambela Framing and editing: Cédric Béton Music: Matthieu Tinas Mixing & Mastering: MMBS STUDIO Dancer: Jennyffer Avelino (Instagram: @jennyfferavelino) The single is available on all download platforms legal.